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Category: homeopathy
Discovering Homeopathy
This wonderful article was written by my dear friend Dale Moss. It’s her own story of navigating the profoundly different approaches of western medicine and homeopathy when her son was severely ill. After incredible, almost miraculous results with her son’s obscure illness she dedicated herself to helping and healing others. by Dale C. Moss I […]
Homeopathy and Wikipedia
This article by homeopathic veteran Dana Ullman explains why our profession is made to sound insignificant on Wikipedia. Required reading for those concerned about how homeopathy is represented in the mainstream media. Dysfunction at Wikpedia
Claire is a most gifted homeopath, who possesses the perfect combination of sincere caring and empathy along with a deep understanding of homeopathy and what is needed to prescribe the best possible remedy to restore health. Claire works in partnership with her clients, always encouraging one to listen to what their body is saying and […]
Homeopathy addresses both chronic and acute health issues gently and naturally. Individualized Medicine Homeopathic prescriptions are based on the clients’ individual symptoms and not according to a disease name or condition. The properly chosen homeopathic remedy addresses healing on all levels of individual: physical, emotional, and mental.
[email protected] 505-933-3676 Office 1339 Cerrillos Road (upstairs) Suite 6 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Hours Mon-Tues: 9:00am – 4:00pm Wed-Thurs: 12pm-7pm